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Showing posts from December, 2020


 Epilepsy is a common chronic neurologic disorder characterized by transient seizures. Common comorbidities of this disorder are depression and anxiety. As seizures are often attributable to abnormal electrical neuronal activity, we have long examined the impact of TMS and tDCS both before and during seizure episodes. We hope someday to use brain stimulation not only to predict seizure onset but also to help determine neural markers of developing seizure disorders

Autism Spectrum Disorder

 Autism Spectrum Disorder designates any pervasive developmental disorder. Typically characterized by social deficits, communication difficulties, and focused interests, ASD is still largely a mystery across the medical community

Stroke / Aphasia

 A stroke is a rapid decline of brain function caused by a disturbance on the brain's blood supply. A common impairment following some strokes is Aphasia: a disorder of language marked by the inability to speak, read, or write. We are exploring the effect of neuromodulation on aphasic symptoms and whether or not TMS can be used to help in the rehabilitative efforts of those suffering from this disorder