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what is the meaning of cholesterol
 is a fat-like substance that forms a part of each cell in your body. A person is body needs cholesterol for daily functions, such as making hormones, producing healthy cell walls and making vitamin D. It also produces bile acids that help in the digestion of fat. Cholesterol comes from animal-based food like dairy products, eggs and meat. The two types of cholesterol are low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL is the bad cholesterol that usually cause the clogging of blood vessels, while HDL is the good cholesterol that is responsible for clearing LDL out of your bloodstream, reducing the risks of heart disease

HDL Is Beneficial to a Person Health

 Good cholesterol or HDL scours the walls of the blood vessels and cleans up unwanted and extra cholesterol. It is thus necessary for persons affected with elevated cholesterol levels and whose HDL levels are below 40 mg/DL, to take steps to increase their HDL level. To increase HDL levels, a person may take to aerobic exercising, lose weight, stop smoking, cut out the trans fatty acids, take a drink or two of alcohol, increase monounsaturated fats in the diet, and also add soluble fiber to the diet. These measures will help increase HDL levels and improve a persons health.  

Bad Cholesterol(LDL) Can Cause Death Later In Life

 Bad cholesterol is something that has gripped our fast food hamburger nation. We are on the brink of total disaster in terms of unhealthy eating. More children today are considered obese and this is a direct result to the eating habits taught to them at an early age. Bad cholesterol rates are rising  the youth of today and strangely we are seeing cases of coronary heart disease in people in their early 30's. This can only be because of the level of bad cholesterol in the types of food we are eating today.   


1- "Cholesterol, 57-88-5". PubChem, National Library of Medicine, US National Institutes of Health. 9 November 2019. Retrieved 14 November 2019    


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