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Skin Cancer

What is Skin Cancer?

 skin cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells, and it can occur at any time and on any area of the skin. There are three different types of skin cancer, and the type that you have will determine the best treatment options for you. The majority of skin cancer is fairly easy to treat and rarely spreads. However, there is a third type of skin cancer that is called melanoma. This is the rarest type of skin cancer, but it can also be the most serious  especially when it is not caught early. Because of this, it is important to understand what skin cancer is, how you can prevent it and what the early screening methods are


Early signs of skin cancer

 Among the most common early signs of skin cancer is when you notice a change in the color of your skin, and more especially when you notice a new growth or when there is a sore that refuses to heal. However, there no doubts that the early signs of skin cancer may not all look the same and it is not unusual to see the cancer begin as a lump that is small as well as smooth and shiny and which is also pale and even waxy. Other times, it could be firm as well as red and lumpy and there could even are instances when it turns into a red spot or there may be bleeding or crustiness and even scaly


Skin cancer prevention
skin cancer prevention is  often something that most people associate with the older generations and this is amply evident when you consider how much time is spent under the sun by youngsters and other that are not so old people, who just dont seem to know or care about skin cancer prevention, or if they know about it, pay scant heed and are thus sure to become the next number in the growing number of statistics showing a surge in skin cancer diagnosed cases. One of the culprits in this regard is the tanning beds that are often used right through the year and thus helps put your skin at risk of contracting skin cancer


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